Corn Silage

Here on our farm, corn one of the most important ingredients in our rations. Every fall we chop around 100 acres of corn when its around 68% moisture for corn silage. This process is completed annually to ensure we have a quality silage to feed our animals throughout the year.

The chopping process begins with testing the moisture of the corn cob. Once the corn fields are at the correct moisture, we start to chop the field. We try to use as much of the corn plant as possible when chopping. After the corn is chopped into a silage truck, its transported to where the pile is being constructed.

Once the corn silage has been transported, another person packs down the silage. Its important to press the oxygen out of the pile to improve the fermentation process and to decrease the chance of spoilage.

After the pile reaches the desired height and depth, its covered in plastic and tires. The combination of the plastic and tires reduce the amount of oxygen entering into the silage pile.