
In February 2015, we went to 3x a day milking, which has turned out to be one of the best decision we have made for both cow health and profitability. Since going to 3x a day milking, and in conjuction with improved reproduction and feeding, we have increased our Rolling Herd Average by over 6,000 pounds per cow per year, from 18,000 to over 24,ooo pounds per cow, no rBST. By doing this, we have been able to cash flow our operation in the last few years of low milk prices. In addition to this, we have seen improved cow health because we no longer have fat cows. This reduces fatty liver and ketosis in our fresh cows, which in turn leads to higher production the next lactation because they got off to a better start. Our most recent DHIA test had our herd RHA at 24,717 Milk, 961 Fat, 820 Protein, 130,000 SCC.